Tuesday, January 04, 2011

Happy New Year

Will you be able to realize a dream this year?  Scratch another wish off your travel 'Bucket List'?   Did 2010 leave you wanting more?  Then you have a chance to continue to strive for that dream to come true.   I wish you a prosperous and Happy New Year and may your prayers be answered.

The story so far .....
I ended 2010 on an elective surgical note.  On December 28 my left knee was shown the same treatment as the right knee underwent last September, a MAKOplasty partial knee replacement.
Doctor Parr decided to mix it up by resurfacing the patella and adding the fixed part to the femur that the patella moves over.  It will now be a smooth pain free operation to walk.

I enjoyed my five star hospital digs with its foot pumps and the IV fed liquid diet.  My stay in hospital was extended one day because they needed to pump morphine into me when I came up allergic to yet another narcotic.   I 'rested' for a day or two of adjustment over the New Year break and now I am in need of Physical Therapy.  No, no, no, no, NO!

She's back .....
She is so good that I requested her services again.  I hoped that she would want to torture me this time as I believe she enjoyed coming to my home last September.  She did.  Jeannette, my at-home Physical Therapist, returned and has put my knee through its hoops and paces for the first time today.  She's good, Jeannette makes the knee work.  I can tell she wants her patient (me) to still be smiling and alive at the end of the session.

Stand up straight, no limping, NO LIMPING!  I can still hear her now hours later, after ice, more drugs, and a sleep I can still hear her.  Quietly now, a little softer, maybe she thinks that will work.   

No limping, you do not want to limp along the Camino!!!

Well my friend with your help maybe my 2011 Camino will be the first time that I will walk a Camino without limping.  Before the arthritis I limped from blisters then when I had the blister problem solved arthritis set in.  

I had not realized the value of physical therapy until I had it.  Jeannette you are a magician, no wrong, you are a well trained physical therapist who performs magic on your clients broken and mended parts.


  1. Funny, my physiotherapist says the same thing :). Happy New Year!

  2. Do you think they conspire against us? Happy New Year Andrée. First test of the knee .... Italy.
